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A Typical Day at Little Squiggles

7- 7.00- 8:30 am - Greet parents and children - record any relevant information provided by parents – children self-register/ free play. 

8:30 am - Get all children ready for and take on nursery/school run. Practice road safety. 

9:30 - 10:30 am -Planned activities or toddler group/ visit the local park/ woods/ nature reserve

10.45ish Snack Time 

10:30 - 11:30 am - Planned activity and/or free play. 

11:30 - 12:00 am - Tidy up, wash hands, set the table and have lunch. 

1:00 pm –Outing /Quiet or Nap time/ indoor or outdoor play 

2.30ish Snack time 

1:00 - 3:00 pm - Nap time/ Child led activities/story time 

3:00 - 4:00 pm - Get ready and go on school runs. Practice road safety. School Park 

3:30 - 4.30pm get everyone settled in an activity of their choice. 

Individually help children with reading/homework etc. 

4.30 -5:00 pm Tidy up, wash hands, set the table and have dinner 

5:30 - 6:00 pm Free play - Get children ready to go home - Greet parents and exchange information - Hand over children to their parents. 

Each day is different and planned around the children's interests and stages of development
Seasonal Arts and Craft

Seasonal Arts and Craft

supporting imagination and creativity

Tuff Tray Play

Tuff Tray Play

Invitation to play - supporting children's interests



Exploring shape, colour and building

Shape Sorting

Shape Sorting

helping to develop dexterity, hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and more

Messy Play

Messy Play

Sensory experience learning about texture and materials



Counting, understanding and using numbers

Imaginative play

Imaginative play



Working together to complete a task

Gluing and Sticking

Gluing and Sticking

Mini Beasts

Mini Beasts

Exploring our bug finding area

Phonics and Letters

Phonics and Letters

Matching the letters and sounding out the letters and words



Developing understanding of the world

Visit to the farm

Visit to the farm

We love spring time at the farm!

Little Artist

Little Artist

Getting creative whilst practising our grip

Emptying and Filling

Emptying and Filling

Developing mathematical, physical and language development



Gorgeous mothers day gifts

Sensory play

Sensory play

Making lemon scented concoctions!



Our spooky hats!

Colour mixing!

Colour mixing!

Predicting what happens...

Outdoor play

Outdoor play

Our outdoor mud kitchen

Our outdoor mud kitchen

From mud to making potions!

Imaginative Play

Imaginative Play

Who are we today?

Messy Play

Messy Play

An amazing opportunity to develop early motor skills!

Snowy foam play

Snowy foam play

Sensory Play

Sensory Play

encouraging learning through exploration

Story time!

Story time!

Linking our story with learning

Story time

Story time

A perfect way to end the day!

And sometimes just...

And sometimes just...

jumping in puddles!

Examples of a few activities we enjoy

Watercolor Butterfly 14
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